Monty and Morgion
002 : We Want a Clean Fight
(Monthenor): If you've followed my creative
impulses for a while, you might notice that my biggest stumbling block
is my lack of deadlines. So I am right
here, right now, declaring the GerbilMechs Comic Deadline: Wednesday. That's
as much as I can say right now. What with the moving and the working and
the lack of scanner, one day a week sounds about right. It also gives Morgion
a reason to bust out with his mad stick-figure skillz if I happen to be
slacking busy that week.
And lemme tell ya, if I can't find time to sketch four panels of gerbils
in an entire WEEK, I'll be in no mood to hear about it... So, the comic. It explains a little more of the GerbilMechs phenomenon and offers your first look at the nanite battle suits in action. Not action, really, but we used them. And we like how the background came out, which probably means that neither Frank nor Hilda were in charge ;) |